Belief: We Believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God that lived, died and rose again for us. If you do not believe in this fundamental fact our calls will not benefit you at all because every prayer we make will be based of the Word of God with Jesus as our door to the Father.
Call Order: We endeavor to maintain order on each call, so please understand that there will be a call leader(s) who will begin and end each prayer call. Please do not try and share any personal revelations or experiences during the call. The purposes of these calls are for group prayer. If you would like to share any personal thoughts or testimonies please save them for the Message Forum which will allow other members to join in and respond at their leisure.
Voice Volume: Since this is a call where many people will be praying at one time, we ask that you do not pray too loud where others cannot be heard or the leader cannot be heard when they begin or end the call. If you pray loudly, please make sure not to speak directly into your headset, to be sure that your voice does not overpower anyone else’s on the call so that all voices can be heard. Also, every caller may not pray in the Spirit yet, so please be mindful of them and not pray too loudly with a gift they have not received yet.
Personal Commitment: We do not ask for any personal commitment. We are here to support and pray with you when needed so join us whenever you can.
Praying for Others: During each call we ask that you spend a few minutes mentally focused on others. It can be a member of your family, co-worker, your pastor or church leaders, other men and women across our country, the leaders of our country and/or Jerusalem. If we all strive to focus a portion of our prayers on someone else, our personal needs and desires will be taken care of.