Please insert your families names in the space provided and plead the Blood of Jesus over you and your family!
Father, please forgive me of any sins I may have done. Right now I lift up my family before you. I plead the blood of Jesus over ( INSERT YOUR FAMILY HERE ) and I plead the blood of Jesus over their bodies, souls and spirits. I plead the blood of Jesus over their mind, will, emotions, personalities, thoughts, dreams and desires.
I plead the blood of Jesus over their memories and their imaginations. I plead the blood of Jesus over their past, present and future. I plead the blood of Jesus over everything they are and everything they have.
I plead the blood of Jesus over the vehicles they drive and ride in. I plead the blood of Jesus over the roads and places they travel and the traffic and things around them. I plead the blood of Jesus over their school and workplace and I place their entire beings within the light of your glory Lord.
Let a bubble of your glory surround them and protect them. I place them under the angelic canopy. Let the angels of the Lord do everything in their power to manifest the will and the Word of God in their lives. I place their ministries, gifts and callings all under the blood of Jesus.
I place their anointings and mantles under the blood of Jesus. I command light to shine upon their path. I release joy and hope and agape love over them. I release kindness, gentleness and meekness over them. I decree that God’s plan be manifested in their lives. Father let your Kingdom truly come and your will be done.
I bind all the power of the enemy over my family in Jesus name. I bind every strongman, or ruling spirit and I bind every evil spirit and evil being. I bind your ability to communicate, transfer or manifest in any way. You are bound. I command every blocking and hindering spirit to go in Jesus’ name. I command all sickness, disease and infirmity to go in Jesus’ name.
I decree destruction upon all the work of the enemy against us. I command the work of the enemy be as dust beneath the Lord’s feet. I command that they be scattered eight ways. I release the lightnings of God against them in Jesus’ name. I thank you Lord for complete freedom in the Holy Spirit.
Amen, Amen, Amen